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 바카라 방법 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트





通讯地址:湖南省长沙市麓山路36号, 실시간 바카라 사이트 410081




1999年毕业于湖南师范大学生物化学专业,2002年获有机分析硕士学位,2005年获中国科学院上海药物研究所药理学博士学位。2005-2007年入职中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,任助理研究员。2007年调入실시간 바카라 사이트制药工程系和化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室,先后担任助理研究员、副教授,2017年晋升为教授。2017-2018年公派赴加拿大Queen's University(女王大学)访问学者。



主要从事基于色谱-质谱技术的复杂生物样品代谢谱分析、食品安全和中药代谢/毒性机制研究。在相关领域重要学术刊物以第一或通讯作者发表高质量论文30余篇(总被引用次数1000以上、h-index 20、RG score 36.59),参与出版专著3部、获国家发明专利5项。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,参与完成一类新药临床前药代及毒代动力学研究1项、广州市科技攻关重大项目1项、国家自然科学基金3项、863计划课题3项。曾获湖南师范大学“杨树达奖”学术作品类一等奖、中科院上海分院第三届研究生学术讨论会论文二等奖、湖南省优秀硕士论文奖、湖南省科技进步二等奖、中国中西医结合学会科学技术三等奖等。现为美国生物化学与分子生物学学会ASBMB、中国药理学会、中国化学会和中国毒理学会会员;担任国际期刊Current Drug Metabolism编委、中国药理学会药物代谢专业委员会委委员、湖南省预防医学会食品安全专业委员会常务委员、植化单体开发与利用湖南省重点实验室学术委员会委员等职。为Anal Chem、 Biosens Bioelectron、J Chromatogr A等7家国际期刊审稿人,获Elsevier杰出审稿人奖(Outstanding Reviewer Award 2015、2018)。




1. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,肽靶向羰-氨交联反应活性谱与致敏乳蛋白修饰机理(2021JJ30443),2021-2023,主持在研;

2. 国家留学基金委青年骨干教师公派出国研修访问学者项目(201606725024),2017-2018,主持完成;

3. 湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师培养对象项目(830136-2081), 2014-2016,主持完成;

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,中药注射剂茵栀黄的反应性代谢谱及致敏潜因研究(81274178),2013-2016,主持完成;

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,药酶依赖反应性分子组的级联标记与靶代谢谱分析(21005027),2011-2013,主持完成;

6. 化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室开放基金,中药活性小分子对代谢酶催化的调节机制(KLCBTCMR2009-06),2009-2011,主持完成。



1. Wang M, Liu Y, Guo B*, Zhang F, Chou F, Ma M, Huang L, Luo Z, Chen B, Chen X*. Isotope-Coding Derivatization for Quantitative Profiling of Reactive α-Dicarbonyl Species in Processed Botanicals by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J Agric Food Chem. 2021, 69(35): 10379–10393.

2. Huang X, Zhang L, Wei L, Wang M, Li B, Guo B*, Ma M. One-Pot Derivatization for Wide-Scope Detection of Nucleobases and Deoxyribosides in Natural Medicinal Foods with Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J Agric Food Chem. 2020, 68(37): 10200–10212.

3. Guo B, Zhang Y, Hicks G, Huang X, Li R, Roy N, Jia Z*. Structure-Dependent Modulation of Substrate Binding and Biodegradation Activity of Pirin Proteins toward Plant Flavonols. ACS Chem Biol. 2019;14(12): 2629–2640. 【封面论文】

4. Wang M, Liu Y, Guo B*, Wei L, Teng H, Chen X*, Ma M. A dilute-and-shoot multispectral integration approach towards nontargeted component profiling of traditional herbal Yin-zhi-huang using liquid chromatography-photodiode array-ion trap/time-of-flight characterization. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2018, 1087-1088: 118–132.

5. Liu Y, Li H, Guo B*, Wei L, Chen B*, Zhang Y. Gold nanoclusters as switch-off fluorescent probe for detection of uric acid based on the inner filter effect of hydrogen peroxide-mediated enlargement of gold nanoparticles. Biosens Bioelectron. 2017, 91: 734–740.【高被引论文】

6. Cheng Y, Zhou J, Wang M, Liu Y, Guo B*, Chen B. Single-shot multi-reaction monitoring of intact marker conjugates for quantitative profiling of human major microsomal glucuronidations and its utility to screen inhibitors from medicinal herbs. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2016, 408(28): 8117–8132.

7. Tan Z, Luo M, Yang J, Cheng Y, Huang J, Lu C, Song D, Ye M, Dai M, Gonzalez FJ, Liu A*, Guo B*. Chlorogenic acid inhibits cholestatic liver injury induced by α-naphthylisothiocyanate: involvement of STAT3 and NFκB signalling regulation. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2016, 68(9): 1203–1213.

8. Y Liu, Z Wang, B Guo*, Q Cai*. Asymmetric synthesis of N-aryl sulfinamides: copper(I)-catalyzed coupling of sulfinamides with aryl iodides via kinetic resolution. Tetrahedron Letters, 2016, 57(22): 2379–2381.

9. Tan Z, Liu A*, Luo M, Yin X, Song D, Dai M, Li P, Chu Z, Zou Z, Ma M, Guo B*, Chen B. Geniposide inhibits alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced intrahepatic cholestasis: the downregulation of STAT3 and NFκB signaling plays an important role. Am J Chin Med. 2016, 44(4): 721–736.

10. B. Guo*, M Wang, Y Liu, J Zhou, H Dai, Z Huang*, L Shen, Q Zhang, B Chen. Wide-scope screening of illegal adulterants in dietary and herbal supplements via rapid polarity-switching and multistage accurate mass confirmation using an LC-IT/TOF hybrid instrument. J Agric Food Chem.2015, 63(31): 6954-6967.

11. M. Ye, L. Tang, M. Luo, J. Zhou, B. Guo*, Y. Liu, B. Chen. Size- and time-dependent alteration in metabolic activities of human hepatic cytochrome P450 isozymes by gold nanoparticles via microsomal coincubations. Nanoscale Res Lett, 2014, 9, 642.

12. L. Zeng, M. Wang, Y. Yuan, B. Guo*, J. Zhou, Z. Tan, M. Ye, L. Ding, B. Chen. Simultaneous multi-component quantitation of Chinese herbal injection Yin-zhi-huang in rat plasma by using a single-tube extraction procedure for mass spectrometry-based pharmacokinetic measurement. J. Chromatogr. B, 2014, 967:245-254.

13. L. Tang,  X. Wang,  B. Guo*, M. Ma, B. Chen, S. Zhan, S. Yao. Salt-triggered liquid phase separation and facile nanoprecipitation of aqueous colloidal gold dispersion in miscible biofluids for direct chromatographic measurement. RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 15875-15886.

14. M. Wei, P. Yin , Y. Shen, L. Zhang, J. Deng, S. Xue, H. Li, B. Guo, Y. Zhang*, S. Yao. A new turn-on fluorescent probe for selective detection of glutathione and cysteine in living cells. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49(41): 4640-4642.

15. B Guo*, B Chen, A Liu, W Zhu, S Yao. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric multiple reaction monitoring-based strategies for expanding targeted profiling towards quantitative metabolomics. Curr. Drug Metab. 2012, 13(9): 1226-43.

16. C Huang, B Guo*, X. Wang , J Li, W Zhu, B Chen, S Ouyang, SYao. A generic approach for expanding homolog-targeted residue screening of sulfonamides using a fast matrix separation and class-specific fragmentation-dependent acquisition with a hybrid quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometer. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2012, 737, 83-98.

17. W Zhu, Y Yuan, P Zhou, L Zeng, H Wang, L Tang, B Guo*, B Chen. The expanding role of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in probing reactive intermediates in solution. Molecules, 2012, 17(10): 11507-37. (Invited review)  

18. H Wang, Y Wu, Y Zhao, W Sun, L Ding, B Guo, B Chen. Rapid screening of illicit additives in weight loss dietary supplements with desorption corona beam ionisation (DCBI) mass spectrometry. Food Addit Contam A.2012, 29(8): 1194-201.

19. H Wang, Y Wu, B Guo, W Sun, L Ding, B. Chen. Quantification of low-polar small molecules using room temperature ionic liquids matrix assisted desorption corona beam ionization. Analyst, 2012, 137(17): 3982-8.

20. G Xu, B Chen, B Guo*, D He, S Yao*. Detection of intermediates for edvhweiler-clarke reactions by liquid-phase reactive desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Analyst, 2011, 136(11): 2385-90.

21. G Liu, L Rong, B Guo, M Zhang, S Li, Q Wu, J Chen, B Chen, S Yao. Development of an improved method to extract pesticide residues in foods using acetontrile with magnesium sulfate and chloroform. J Chromatogr A, 2011, 1218(11): 1429–36.

22. B Guo*, Z Huang, M Wang, X Wang, Y Zhang, B Chen, Y Li, H Yan, S Yao. Simultaneous direct analysis of benzimidazole fungicides and relevant metabolites in agricultural products based on multifunction dispersive solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A, 2010, 1217(29): 4796–807.

23. M Wang, B Guo*, Z Huang, J Duan, Z Chen, B Chen, S Yao. Improved compatibility of liquid chromatography with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry for tracing occurrence of barbital homologous residues in animal tissues. J Chromatogr A, 2010, 1217(17): 2821–31.

24. H Shen, MM He, H Liu, SA Wrighton, L Wang, B Guo, C Li. Comparative Metabolic Capabilities and Inhibitory Profiles of CYP2D6.1, CYP2D6.10, and CYP2D6.17. Drug Metab Dispos, 2007, 35(8):1292–300.

25. B Guo, C Li*, G Wang, L Chen. Rapid and direct measurement of free concentrations of highly protein-bound fluoxetine and its metabolite norfluoxetine in plasma. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2006, 20(1): 39–47.

26. B Guo, C Li*, Z Deng, S Chen, Z Ji, J Zhang, M Chen, F Xu. A new method for measurement of (-)-sophocarpine, a candidate therapeutic for viral myocarditis, in plasma: application to a toxicokinetic study in beagle dogs. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2005, 19(19): 2840–48.

27. B Guo, Y Yuan, Y Wu, Q Xie, S Yao*. Assay and analysis for anti- and pro-oxidative effects of ascorbic acid on DNA with bulk acoustic wave impedance technique. Anal Biochem, 2002, 305(2): 139–48.

28. 杨子辉, 程雨晴, 陈应庄, 郭宾*, 马铭, 陈波*. 功能食品安全检测的技术现状与对策. 中国科学:化学, 2016, 46 (3): 257−262.

29. 谭桢, 刘爱明, 罗敏, 郭宾*. 茵栀黄注射液抗胆汁淤积药效成分的筛选及其作用机制研究. 中国中药杂志, 2016, 41(6): 1113−1118.

30. 刘妍妍, 程雨晴, 谭桢, 郭宾*. 药物代谢细胞色素酶催化活性检测新技术进展(特邀封面论文). 化学研究, 2015, 26(6): 551−560.

31. 郭宾*, 段俊敏, 王美玲, 王晓莹, 陈波. 自动流注-串联质谱法快速筛选植物提取物对药物代谢酶的抑制潜性. 分析化学, 2010, 38(12): 1692-7.

32. 郭宾, 戴仁科*. 代谢组学及其研究策略和分析方法进展,中国卫生检验杂志, 2007, 17(3): 554-63.

33. 郭宾,李川*. 药物与血浆蛋白结合的药理学基础及其研究进展.中国临床药理学与治疗学, 2005,10(3): 241-53.



1) “液-质”联用技术面向复杂体系小分子药物的分析策略,岛津公司第二届合作实验室学术研讨会,2010.10.22,北京。(大会报告)

2) 2012年,应药物代谢领域国际期刊Curr Drug Metab主编邀请担任客座编辑(guest editor),组织来自中国、德国、巴西、加拿大、葡萄牙等国家的学者出版了一期热点研究专辑“LC-MS-based analytical strategies for targeted profiling of metabolites/biomarkers in complex systems”(),促进了药物复杂体系代谢谱研究的国际学术交流。现担任该杂志编委。链接:

3) 2015年,美国化学会新闻周刊(ACS News Service Weekly PressPac)以“从膳食补充剂中铲除伟哥和其他隐藏的成分”(Rooting out Viagra and other hidden ingredients from dietary supplements)为题报道和评述了本团队利用LC-IT/TOF技术非目标广谱筛查功能食品违禁添加物的突破性进展工作。其后,该研究成果又被ScienceDaily(美国科学日报)、PhysOrg、Newswise、News-Medical、Eurekalert、Medical News Today、Business Standard(印度商业标准日报)等多家国际科技新闻杂志或科技网站报道和转载。链接:

4) 应邀参加喀山联邦大学举办的“喀山联邦大学-湖南师范大学第三届交叉科学论坛”(2018.10-11,俄罗斯喀山),报告题目Xeno-metabolite Profiles: Analytical Strategies and Drug Metabolism Mechanisms,双方青年学者交换了报告并进行了科研合作讨论。

5) 与加拿大女王大学首席结构生物学家Zongchao Jia教授合作,在槲皮素金属酶催化氧化代谢机理方面取得重要进展,相关成果发表在知名刊物ACS Chem Biol(),并入选期刊首封面 (Front Cover)论文。链接:  









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